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About Yoga with Kathryn Varley Horsham Yoga

Horsham Yoga was established in 1994 when Kathryn moved from London to set up yoga classes in Horsham.


So yoga is not so much about touching your toes but

more about opening your heart to your true potential.


And yoga  is not so much something physical that we do, rather than something we are, a state of consciousness, a state of being at home and at peace with our own humanness.  

One to One Sessions with Kathryn Varley

Yoga in Horsham with Kathryn Varley

Our Mental Health and happiness is vital for heart, mind and brain as well as body.  At Horsham Yoga a whole person approach embraces the wisdom of our heart being inter-connected not just to our body but also to our environment, to nature, to our planet as well as to one another and to all living beings.


Easy to doubt it if you have never given this approach a go.  Have  a look at  the Testimonials at the bottom of any of the pages and read the personal experiences of others, hear what they are saying.  Or come and see for yourself by trying a FREE class.  Contact Kathryn with your needs right now and she will get back in touch.


Horsham Yoga classes include Meditation  to calm the mind,  soothe the heart and quieten an overly stimulated nervous system.   Meditation in the form of iRest Yoga Nidra reminds us of our awareness,  of  deep-self care of being in a body and the joy of exquisite comfort of feeling safe and being at ease.  Meditation is the foundation of every class with Kathryn.    Each class is inclusive of a wide ranging approaches to meditation.  Where assistance with muscular skeletal alignment is helpful, Somatic movement is available, offering a slow and gentle approach to re-educate, tired or injured muscles from pain, pressure on joints, sore ligaments and challenges such a frozen shoulder.   Somatics is a healthy approach for efficient spinal mobility. and to reduce pain.  There is a class to suit everyone.  


Still not sure?  Have a chat with Kathryn.  Let her guide you to find the right place for you to continue life's  journey with the ancient wisdom teachings of yoga. 


Classes are always accessible, adaptable and meditative, as well as nurturing and restorative.  Ideal for any body at any time of life.  Looking for Saturday morning class?  Kathryn offers an extraordinary weekend class combining Somatics, the work of Thomas Hanna PhD with the familiarity of yoga and meditation.


Also at Horsham Yoga, you will find a beginners introduction to Qigong.  An ancient Chinese Healing Art. Qigong is a slow standing movement practice that engages with the elements using elliptical, circular and spiralling movements with the breath that naturally mimic nature.  So Qigong is a moving meditation offering a perspective on our relationship with how nature develops, how animals move, and our place within the bigger picture of the planet and in relation to the changing seasons.  Whereas, Yoga offers a perspective of our relationship with our life and how we engage with our self and with one another through the senses.


There is much to explore and enjoy engaging in either or both of these relaxing session of infinite possibilities. If you are curious, please ask about a FREE session.


For anyone looking to investigate their own particular and specific personal entry into understanding why the body may be uncomfortable and the mind heavily challenged, confused or overloaded, private individual sessions are available with Kathryn in a dedicated beautiful private practice space.  See One to One.    As well as time to reflect, private sessions are an opportunity to discuss and enquire into a much more personal approach that allows for deep-self care and expression. Time to reflect upon your own requirements with the aid of a mentor and to design a personal practice just for you. No yoga is needed, all movement practices are accessible, suitable for any one at any time of life. 


Private Sessions are held at Kingswood Practice, Horsham.  One to one sessions offer individual attention and  guidance.  They are client driven.   Notes and recordings are interchangeable allowing you to develop and take care of needs as they arise, at your own pace. 


Ask about a FREE 30 min consultation, have a chat and see how this may be helpful.


And if you are looking for a a group situation  with others or are just starting out and it's early days with yoga, ask about a FREE no obligation class on the form below and see for yourself how these Classes may be helpful. Everyone is welcome.  Everyone is a Beginner.  , Each time we come to class we start afresh, with a beginners mind,  re-assured that a beginners mind is always fresh and curious, it never grows old.


Not sure whether this approach is for you?  It can be difficult getting our needs met and finding the right teacher at the right time.  Contact Kathryn and let her know your wants and ever changing needs. Maybe classes, maybe yoga, maybe qigong or perhaps a private session.  Only you will know.  So get in touch,  come and find out for yourself  and take it from there.


Currently on List of Therapists at Kingswood Practice, Horsham offering private one to one sessions 


I have been a regular member of Kathryn's yoga classes for ten years and have benefited physically, mentally and spiritually. 
Kathryn is an inspirational teacher,  she seems to know what we're thinking and even knows when we're holding our breathing!
Highly recommend to anyone of any age (I'm 88)


Kathryn's knowledge of yoga is extensive.
Classes are so varied offering different perspectives 
captivating  the imagination,   
beneficial to both mind and body.
If you think you need yoga in your life then you absolutely do.
I  thoroughly recommend joining one of Kathryn's classes.


I am full of praise for Kathryn's knowledge, understanding and humour.
I benefit from her weekly classes, they soothe my body and ease my mind
The benefits of weekly classes have a cumulative effect.
Please give yoga a go, you wont regret it

Contact Kathryn

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Whatever you need

Whether you are just starting out, wish to try a free class, have concerns and challenges about health or mobility and wonder how yoga may help. Or simply searching for Yoga in Horsham with a suitable teacher and a regular place to practice or maybe just curious about a radically different approach.   I look forward to hearing from you.

Copyright @ Horsham Yoga. 2023.

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