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Yoga One to One
A personal approach
Try a FREE 30 min Private Session with Kathryn Varley
Inviting you to take time just for you. Enquiring into what's happening right now in your body your mind and your heart, opening to this moment, enquiring into your true potential. Sessions are face to face in private practice rooms in Horsham.
How does it work?
One to One with Kathryn is a whole person approach with a take-away of deep self-care. Learn to develop a personalised movement and meditation practice to deeply connect with what is needed to feel comfortable and at ease.
An integrative approach, supports the right and left side of the body as well as the brain, addressing the neurological system for mental health and emotional clarity, as well as the many needs of the physical body. It is most important for us all to feel seen and heard as this aids confidence and serves to embrace motivation and curiosity which helps form a foundation of stability for deep self-care and personal inner-reflection.
What are the Benefits?
Bespoke sessions bring confidence and encourage awareness of a day to day unfolding of your own very unique experience, supporting change, how you relate to your life and to others. Sessions are directed by you, designed just for you, with recordings that are always available for use in the comfort of your home. Notes provide the client with a guide that may be added to and updated as necessary in future sessions or to prepare to join or return to public classes.
How does it Help?
Whether recovering from injury, surgery, facing big life changes, such as job loss, bereavement, feeling stuck, coming to terms with auto-immune challenges, or seeking time out, just for yourself, One to One helps centre, regain confidence, improve motivation, fire up inspiration, improve posture and mindset as well as mobilisation and bring the joy of deep self-care to support mental health.
On a physical level, we often find, over time that the muscles may be pulling the skeleton away from alignment. One to One allows times to trace the origins of any disruptive muscular-skeletal changes from unusual habits that may be causing pain. In this way a private session may be found to be rehabilitative. Sometimes, all it takes may be just one visit to help find stability, confidence and freedom to move forward in your life. Not sure if this is for you? Ask about a FREE 30 min consultation.
One to One may also be a stepping stone in preparing to return to weekly yoga Classes after a break, or it may help support a deeper understanding to benefit from public classes that you may already be attending. If you are still curious, contact Kathryn by filling in the form below and let her know your needs as well as asking about a FREE 30 min introduction.
Private Sessions are held at Kingswood Practice, Worthing Road, Horsham by appointment direct with Kathryn.
Click to see Kathryn's Qualifications
To enquire see Contact form below.
Therapists listing at Kingswood Practice Horsham

Kingswood Practice. One to One Sessions with Kathryn in Horsham
My mind is always racing.
The breathing is really calming
and helps improve flexibility.
And the meditation
completely relaxing.
Kathryn explains everything simply. She offers information as an invitation for self-discovery.
I feel safe, and eventually my mind becomes calm and still.
I suffered with a bad back
and achey joints for years.
I had no idea how a balanced posture may feel or function
or that body alignment is a thing.
I was wrong.
In one session, my mind was calm, I felt at ease, sparking my interest in developing a home maintenance practice of my own.
For the longest time I felt stuck, like I was on repeat
in my mind and body.
A session with Kathryn brought insight with a personally designed approach to mobility, motivation and confidence.
I found freedom, with creative expression to start writing and climbing again.