be inspired

Kathryn's Yoga Backstory
I am a yoga elder and professional level yoga practitioner with a 30yr teaching practice. I moved from London to Horsham in 1994 and established Horsham Yoga, sharing the wisdom of heart centred teachings that are both timeless and ageless.
Whether taking One to One private sessions or public Classes you will find the yoga invitation accessible, adaptable and gentle. A whole person approach with the stability of a Meditative foundation and the joy of learning to welcome compassion with an open heart.
You are invited to come and to see for yourself by taking a FREE no obligation session. Wherever you find yourself in life, please do get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you.

What I have learned, over four decades of personal practice and teaching from embodiment experiences in daily life, has helped develop practices for myself that anyone may experience and use to unlock their potential to welcome more ease and sense of joy into their life. And it is my absolute joy to be able to share this with others.
Our Mental Health and happiness is vital for heart and mind health as well as body health, that's why I take a whole person approach embracing the wisdom of our heart being inter-connected not just to our body but also to our environment, to nature, to our planet as well as to one another and to all living beings.
Following a well loved, creative, high octane burn-out career in the music business in London, my quest for the middle path took me to total immersion into a diverse range of practices within the healing arts. It began with yoga philosophy and Meditation in1982 when I started taking classes at the Sivananda Centre, Notting Hill, London. Ten years later, 1992, I took my first yoga teachers training. It was during this time I developed an interest in the work of Thomas Hanna PhD, Somatics, and began the study and practice of muscular skeletal re-education. This time proved most creative for me as I started classes to learn the ancient Chinese Healing Art of Qigong at the London School of Chinese Medicine in St Johns Wood.
From my very first Yoga class, 1978 and very first Qigong class 1982, the affects were extraordinary and at the same time inexplicably compelling, restful and yet full of vitality. A path opened to direct experience, later demonstrating how it may be possible, not just for for these practices to continue to help me but also to support and help improve
the lives of others.
This marked the beginning of what turned out to be a career in yoga therapy and somatic movement. My primary focus being mental and emotional health and the integration not just of yoga but also elements of contemporary psychology with movement modalities such as the Healing Art of Qigong, muscular skeletal re-education with Somatics with the support of neuroscience.
1992, following yoga teacher training, returned from the USA to London and was invited to facilitate one to one sessions to osteopaths and their clients at a Harley Street Practice.
1994, started Horsham Yoga, offering one to one private sessions, weekly classes, workshops and intensives. It was after one of my classes that I was approached by an Addiction Counsellor who wanted to trial yoga therapy in a secondary care residential setting in Surrey. This was to form the start of a special interest in mental health and the path to recovery.
1994-2014 through a network of recommendation, my practice expanded to several residential rehabilitation
centres in the south-east of England, for recovery from, Addiction
2010-2019 I ran independent residential weeklong Restorative Yoga and Meditation Retreats in Europe and long weekenders in Glastonbury, UK.
2000 An invitation to voluntary sessions followed with the Sussex and Surrey Self-Help Health Support Group, for those with compromised Immune Systems, including fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, ME.
This latterly enabled me to share from my own personal experience of what I have learned from living with long covid.
2000-date teacher of teachers in training for yoga foundations and post graduate at Yoga Haven Hove, The Yoga Garden, Knepp Wildland Park, Unity Yoga Brighton and Lewes, Green House Yoga, Gower Peninsular, South Wales.
Currently, offer One to One Yoga Therapy and Somatic Movement `at Kingswood Practice in Horsham, in addition to weekly classes and intensives at Horsham Yoga and serve on a further education Faculty for Post Graduate Yoga Teachers at The Unity Centre, Lewes.
Kathryn's Qualifications and specialist areas of study
Currently on Therapists listing at Kingswood Practice, Horsham, offering private One to One sessions
Thank you for visiting my site. Please make Contact. Let me know what you are looking and hoping for in a yoga practice and what brings you to make this enquiry, right now today. I look forward to hearing from you.
I have been a regular member of Kathryn's yoga classes for ten years and have benefited physically, mentally and spiritually.
Kathryn is an inspirational teacher, she seems to know what we're thinking and even knows when we're holding our breathing!
Highly recommend to anyone of any age (I'm 88)
Kathryn's knowledge of yoga is extensive.
Classes are so varied offering different perspectives
captivating the imagination,
beneficial to both mind and body.
If you think you need yoga in your life then you absolutely do.
I thoroughly recommend joining one of Kathryn's classes.
I am full of praise for Kathryn's knowledge, understanding and humour.
I benefit from her weekly classes, they soothe my body and ease my mind
The benefits of weekly classes have a cumulative effect.
Please give yoga a go, you wont regret it