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Auto-immune and Mental Health

Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyeitis, Chronic Fatigue, Long COVID


When the auto-immune system is compromised there is pain affecting physical and emotional as well as mental health.  This can manifest in a variety of way, including stress and anxiety.  Each type of auto-immune  challenge has a different, yet often similar but never quite the same set of symptoms.  Some of these are often seen in general terms as crossover symptoms but on much closer examination and on speaking to those living with these conditions it is found that symptoms are actually specific.


In every case, it has been found that deep relaxation, iRest Yoga Nidra along with a meditative gentle, accessible yoga practice, and aspects of Qigong, help sooth the nervous system offering respite for sleepless nights, management of pain and the feelings of isolation that comes with mental, emotional as well as physical frustration associated with auto-immune illness.  If you wish to have a conversation of try a FREE class please get in touch.


In the case of Long COVID however, symptoms are now recognised as being in the hundreds, and different combinations of symptoms and severity actually vary from one nervous system to the next. If you are looking for help to support recovery from Long COVID, I have personal experience, since 2020.   I would very much like to hear from you. Contact





I was not sure how yoga may effect the fibromyalgia. I need not have been concerned. The class was gentle and Kathryn finds alternatives to encourage a sense of comfort and achievement. She is always ready to listen to feedback as we exchange ideas on coping with the illness. At the end of class, I have more energy and feel more relaxed




After Yoga Nidra I felt blissed out compared to how I felt when I arrived this morning. The effects last long after class and remind me how to relax more during the week. Definitely good for the ME as the stillness brings comfort and helps me cope in other areas of life


                               Nina -


The Yoga Nidra practice helps on all levels of Cfs, especially mental and emotional, I feel relaxed and I feel it's supportive in many ways in my day to day life.





Key Symptoms of Fibromyalgia


  • Pain affecting breath and body and thinking

  • Fatigue

  • Brain fog

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Movement difficulties

  • Irritable bowel

  • Headaches

  • Jaw pain

  • Multiple sensitivities

  • 18 tender body points


Key Symptoms of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


  • Symptoms vary from person to person, day to day

  • Chronic fatigue, mood swings, depression

  • Muscle weakness and dysfunction

  • Digestive disorders

  • Painful to move

  • Oversensitivity to light, sound, smells

  • Problems with balance

  • Mood, vision & brain alterations

  • Genetic abnormalities in white blood cells

Contact Kathryn

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Whatever you need

Whether you are just starting out, wish to try a free class, have concerns and challenges about health or mobility and wonder how yoga may help. Or simply searching for Yoga in Horsham with a suitable teacher and a regular place to practice or maybe just curious about a radically different approach.   I look forward to hearing from you.

Copyright @ Horsham Yoga. 2023.

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